Tru's notes on HB Monk for The Deep
General notes:
-Max hp and energy…typical PvP Healing Monk setup is what I use
-You are a Room 2 healer at the start…pretty simple: heal the tank
-A good tank will make your life easy in the first room…..if you cannot seem to keep him alive, check the tank's build
-Spam Heal Party when needed throughout the run, Glyph of Lesser Energy along with being BiP'd will make this painless
The build
1)Healers Boon (keep up constantly; makes a huge difference on Heal Party)
2)Dwayna's Kiss (you will use this mainly to spike your tank in the first room; random after that)
3)Patient Spirit (also use as pre-heal for tank; works as great low cost skill to spam on the BiP…if the BiP is happy, you will be happy)
4)Seed of Life (use on tank, especially when party is moving in to spike mob…he will probably be low on health at this point…..make sure ally is taking damage or this skill is useless)
5)Healing Seed (alternate with Seed of Life to make you tank near invincibe)
6)Heal Party (spam when you can…..BiP should be taking care of you)
7)Glyph of Lesser Energy (makes getting off 2 Heal Party's not as painful)
8)Rebirth (don't use on BiP unless instructed too)
Sunspear rank for SoL (Seed of Life):
Sunspear rank is naturally important because of the amount of health your party receives, but also keep in mind that the duration of SoL also increases as your rank increases…you get 5 seconds of healing at rank 9
Healing tanks during pulls:
Don't be overly anxious to heal them before 'Deep Freeze' has been cast, thus signalling the party to move in…..because, you can pull aggro from the tank to yourself and guess what? Yup…a very quick death. Actually from my experiences in The Deep…..a tank will usually die once or twice, it's not uncommon or even frowned upon from what I can tell. It is important, however, if at all possible to keep him alive to hold aggro.
-If you stay with the party then you should have no trouble. Make sure you kite any spirit attacks, you may specifically encounter those in the beginning room and they can be annoying. Don't let Oni's single you out if they slip past the SS spike…they can take you out rather quickly.
-Scourge Healing will be an absolute pain in your first room, my tip for success here is to use Healing Seed+Patient Spirit at the start// when you see tanks health start to decrease it means his stances are recharging so hit him with Seed of Life+Patient Spirit again// only use Dwayna's Kiss if he is down to 50% health// repeat……….Dwayna's Kiss will wipe you out if you spam it during Scourge Healing
-Pull back in-between heals in first room……stay close, but just barely
During Runs:
-Some of the aspects will cause you party's health to deteriorate during the runs….stop frequently and Heal Party.
-You will not kill all the Aspects of Kanaxai, some you will run past……DO NOT get close to him….2 hits will kill you even at nearly 600 hp.